What Kind of Shoes Are the Best for Your Health?

I get asked frequently about what shoes I recommend….

Our feet are the base of our entire bodies, since we are bi-pedal mammals. And shoes are one of the only items of clothing that has a direct impact on our health. This is especially important when it comes to children and their development!  

In our society, we have been accustomed to shows that feel “normal,” but are not shaped or functional for an actual foot. 

Squishing your toes into a normal shoe has become normal, but could lead to seemingly non-foot related issues.

Tips to remember when shopping: FLAT, THIN, WIDE & FLEXIBLE

Soft soles are not just for babies. Having a soft soled shoe gives sensory input and helps with balance and in babies it helps them develop an arch; since they innately splay their toes (something we have de conditioned).

Look for foot shaped shoes that have a wider toe box, like in the picture above .

Avoid thick ridged soles with the raised heel (this is hard to find in typical stores)

Your shoe should be able to flex and bend as much as possible to mimic the movement of your foot. 

For babies: They should be barefoot the majority of the time. This gets them used to sensory input and overall awareness of their body (proprioception) and what is around them. 


There are nearly 200,000 nerve endings in the soul of each foot .

Being barefoot activates you babies brain and nervous system in a way that wearing shoes does not.

A barefoot baby is actually less likely to fall down because of the input they are receiving through the souls of their feet.

Being barefoot develops the ligaments and muscles in the feet, increases the strength in the arch of the foot & increases proprioception.

Brands I recommend:

Soft star (kids)

Starry Knight Design (kids)

Stonz Wear (kids)

Ten Little (kids)

Vivobarefoot (men, women & kids) - and use code: DRAMANDA10 to get 10% off your order

Altra (barefoot running)

Earth Runner (earthing/running)

I also wear Birkenstocks (men, women & kids)….


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