Herb of the Month:


piper methysticum
hot, dry, relaxing

Taste: bitter, pungent, numbing
Family: piperaceae
Medicinal parts: roots
Actions: antispasmodic, carminative, muscle relaxant, sedative, anodyne, anesthetic, euphoric, urinary disinfectant
Affinities: musculoskeletal, nervous and urinary systems
Notable constituents: kavalactones (kavain, methysticin, yangonin), flavokavains, phytosterols

Medicinal applications
A potent muscle relaxant, helpful for tension and spasm in the skeletal muscles.

Anodyne, particularly nice for muscle tension and spasms accompanied by pain. Headaches, muscle aches, cramps, pulled muscles and bug bites, can all be effectively managed with kava.

Kava has a particular affinity for the urinary and reproductive systems and is an excellent plant for pain and spasm in these systems. The pain of urinary tract infections, interstitial cystitis, kidney stones, menstrual cramps and sexually transmitted infections can all be palliated with kava.

The numbing effect of kava on the tongue indicated its anesthetic action, making this plant additionally effective for pain. This is particularly helpful when dealing with severe pain as in the case of kidney stones and endometriosis.

Profoundly relaxant, kava is helpful for anxiety, nervousness and agitation. Kava has a sedative action on the body, without the intoxicant action of substances like alcohol - it releases tension without filling the mind.

The relaxant action of kava can be helpful for individuals who have trouble sleeping due to nighttime agitation, muscle spasms and pain.

A social herb, kava was traditionally consumed in groups in which people would enjoy the herb’s euphoric action together.

In practice:
Kava is a helpful plant for those who have difficulty relaxing or difficulty unwinding. This includes the unwinding of tightly contracted muscles and tension in the pelvic organs.

Kava is a calming and comforting herb, which allows the person consuming it to be still, despite pain or anxiety-provoking situations. Kava can also be helpful for people with social anxiety.


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Herb of the Month: