How to do a Coffee Enema

A little History-

Coffee has an extremely powerful healing effect on the human body. It is one of the most powerful natural detoxifiers that we have. Coffee, taken as an enema is one of the fastest, natural ways to relieve the liver of the burden of exporting the overload of toxins when healing itself of caner or autoimmune diseases.

This little secret was discovered purely by chance during the first world war. The medical facilities in German hospitals had run out of morphine and the nursing staff were at a loss what to do to help relieve the pain of the wounded German soldiers. However, since the nursing staff were working around the clock, they were given a plentiful supply of coffee to keep them awake to fulfill their duties. As a last resort they decided to put some of the coffee into the enemas that were already prescribed to many patients for constipation, in an attempt to make the soldiers feel like they were doing “something” to relieve the pain. To everyone’s surprise, the patients started reporting back with very positive results and many of them experienced excellent levels of pain relief.

Over time German doctors discovered that is actually caused the liver to flush bile ducts, which then allowed toxins to be released out of the body.

Unlike water enemas that are used to aid in the passing of bowel movements and to cleanse the intestines, the coffee enema has nothing to do with that -although the process is very similar. The coffee enema works because of a “secret pathway” to the liver though the hemorrhoidal vein that connects the liver to the anus. The caffeine travels up this vein and begins to “irritate” the liver. In order to combat this irritant, the liver starts flushing its bile ducts as a result of the increase of the enzyme glutathione-s-transferase. The result, relief of pain, tension, nervousness, the elimination of toxins and an all-around feeling of well-being.

How to do them-

You need specific Coffee for these! I will be including it in your shopping list below. This is very important and crucial to the functionality of your enema!

This recipe if for a single enema. Feel free to triple it to have for multiple days!

You are going to need:

1. 3Tbsp Coffee (fresh ground organic medium or light roasted- CANNOT be instant coffee!)

2. Saucepan and lid (NO aluminum pots or pans)

3. 10-12 oz of filtered or distilled water (you need to have 8 oz, but some will be lost in the boiling and filtering process)

4. Glass Measuring Jug (I like the quart size mason jars)

5. Coffee Filter (mesh is the best- I will include this in your shopping cart)


Put water in the pan and bring to a boil. Once brought to a boil you add the 3tbsp of coffee, return to a boil and then reduce down to a simmer for 15 minutes.

Once this is done, pour coffee through filter. There may be a few small grains coming through. Once done you can add 16 more oz of filtered water to your 8 oz of filtered coffee. This will make the coffee more of a lukewarm temperature that a hot temp for your body.

You will then need:

1. Enema Kit (in the shopping cart)

2. Padding for the ground

3. Towel

4. A good book or something to preoccupy your time

5. Coconut Oil

6. Sense of Humor! 😊

Time for the Enema!

At this point you are now about ready to do your enema. Here are some crucial steps to get you started:

Step 1: make sure the tube of your enema kit is closed shut with the pinching device before you begin. Pour your enema coffee solution into the silicone bag. You should have your full 24 oz of water in there. Make sure it is a lukewarm temperature. It is very important!

Step 2: Next, holding the enema bag BELOW the level of the tube, release the pinching device and gently raise the bag to allow coffee to come down the tube until it starts to come out of the end, then close the device again. This will ensure no air gets trapped causing discomfort during the enema retention. Put coconut oil on the end of the tube to make it easy for insertion. Also, put the lid of your toilet seat up (you’ll know why…)

Step 3: You are going to lie on your Right-hand side. This is VERY IMPORTANT as this is the side where the hemorrhoidal veins absorb the coffee and transport it to the liver. Insert the tube 2-3 inches into the anus. You will want the enema bag to be at least 18 inches above you (I put in on my shower curtain rod).  Release the catch and allow the coffee to flow all the way into the colon. You can slow or speed up the pressure by changing the release button.

Step 4: Once the coffee has entered into the colon you can remove the tube and set it aside. Now, the TARGET is to retain the coffee for 12-15 minutes.  If you can do that your home and dry. If its your first time, you may not be able to hold it for that long. Just do your best, and the more you do the better you’ll get as your body will get used to it. Have something fun to do for those 12 minutes. You could read a book, listen to affirmations, do meditation. Once you’re done, release into the toilet and flush away. Clean your enema kit for next use. Don’t expect it to be a smooth and clean operation the first few times. Everyone is different, some people I know had no issues whatever with their first one!

Final Note: Coffee enemas are not the only enemas that can be done. If you have an upset stomach, ulcerative colitis, or diarrhea, chamomile tea is recommended and has its own great soothing effects.

Links for Coffee Enema Materials:
Enema Kit:
mesh coffee strainer:


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