Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Dr. Rachel Madera is a physical therapist who specializes in the pelvic floor focusing on pregnancy and postpartum care and our suitemate! She loves helping women in any stage of life be the best version of themselves by addressing any pelvic floor concerns.

Pelvic floor physical therapy is an effective treatment option for many women during pregnancy and after childbirth. 

But what the heck is the pelvic floor and what does it do? 

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. They play a vital role in pressure management, maintaining continence so you stay dry, and it allows for pain free intimacy. 

Why is it so important to address the pelvic floor during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, these muscles are placed under significant stress and strain, which can cause weakness, incontinence, pressure or pain. Pelvic floor physical therapy can help alleviate these symptoms by strengthening and/or relaxing the muscles depending on what your specific needs are. Maintaining pelvic balance between the bones, muscles and ligaments also help with ideal baby positioning which can help reduce labor time, discomfort and reduce birth injury or trauma. 

So what about after pregnancy? 

Pelvic floor therapy, in her opinion, is essential for safe postpartum recovery. You would see a professional to help you recover after a knee surgery, so why do we have the same standard following childbirth? 

Following delivery, the pelvic floor muscles can become lengthened, weak, incoordinated, or tense depending on birth injury or trauma. Your abdominals become weak and now you have a baby to care for that involves lifting, bending and positions that you typically aren’t use to. It makes sense your body might need a little guidance on how to heal safely after enduring all that change. 

The most beneficial part of pelvic floor therapy is it provides you support during this season of life. They are your biggest cheerleaders and the most understanding of all the new challenges you are going through. They guide you on how to heal safely, so that all of these areas can be addressed and so that you prevent any unwanted injury, ultimately cutting down on the amount of time it takes to get you back to doing the things you were doing pre pregnancy in order to feel your best.

They offer free consultations, so feel free to give them a call or send an email to talk through how they may be able to help. Here is their contact info:

Dr. Rachel Madera, PT, DPT
Owner/Physical Therapist, Fourth Trimester Wellness



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